Thursday, December 31, 2009

I can't believe it's New Years eve already. My baby girl is almost one, and Brookie is almost 4. Where does time go ? Jamie and I spent a few hours out today running errands w/o kiddies. It was so nice to spend some time alone with him, I forget how much I really love him. The kids spent some time with their Mom Mom while we were out. Emme is starting to get attached to her, she reaches her chubby little arms out for her. They seemed to have fun while they were there. We picked up Isabella's glasses today, she looks beautiful and smart. She is still a bit self consous with them. We are up watching the movie Isabella asked for for Christmas " zuthuthra. " It's 9:30, we have 2.5 hours left til the New Year. As we start a new year, I realize how thankful I am for my healthy children. These years are flying by so fast, it feels like yesterday we were bringing in 2009. I hope to have a less stress new year, we will see how that go's. LOL

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My first post, Yeh ! I must start of by what I walked in on today. Brookie was standing up taking a pee. I was speechless. She told me not to tell Daddy, Im not sure why though. She really is a character, she is so unique. But, standing up to pee ! Belley had her friend Morgan over today, she is such a sweetie they played with all of her new Christmas stuff. Hunter is OBSESSED with fishville, I mean I can't get him off the computer. He tells me, Mom my fish are going to die he acts as if the are real living things. He is doing really well with his temper and becoming such a wonderful and of course handsome young man. I went on a field trip with him in October to the Apple farm and a teacher ( Ms. Cherry ) told me he is such a nice little boy. I guess I must be doing something right.

Belle got her progress report before Christmas break, she has all A's and 1 B. She is so smart and
we are very proud of her. She is having a little trouble with not getting enough time with me. It is so hard to find enough time for all 4. I am going to really try to focus on her.
Emmersyn is getting so BIG. I can't believe she is going to 1 in just 4 weeks, it is bittersweet she is so fun and outgoing, but I miss my little newborn. She has such a great personality, she is dancing and saying a few words. Her new one today is " OH NO " it is darn cute. We tried to record her saying it, but of course she wouldn't do it. She is also standing up for about 15 seconds. Yeah, Ok it's only 15 seconds, but my tiny helpless baby who this time last year wasn't even born is standing. I am so happy we decided to have a 4th, she truly is a special and meaningful addition to our family. She and her Daddy have such a special bond, Jamie has really totally and completely fallen for her.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I was trying to be a good ghost I didn't hurt her.